
10 on Tuesday

10 Favourite Musicals

What fun! Musicals are a bit of a family tradition. Often times we would watch all together – Aunts, Unlces, cousins, grandparents. So musicals hold a special place in my heart – for all their cheesy too-happy situations and co-ordinated song & dance breakouts.

1. Showboat

Kinda morbid for a little girl but this is my favourite, hands down, since I was a preschooler. Life upon the wicked stage + the water = magic. I wanted to be Katherine Grayson when I grew up. And marry a rakish gambler who would slowly realize I was worth more than his freewheeling life as a broke drunk surrounded by fallen women.

Aim high little girl. Aim high.

2. Music Man

Love, love, love this! There is something so bright and cheerful about this one. Yee gods, it must be the 76 trombones. Hmmm…I grew up adoring librarians, and am one (of a sort) now so…perhaps these musicals were more of an influence than I realized.

also – another charlatan is reformed by the love of a good woman, begrudgingly reformed…theme is emerging…

3. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

Ha! Howard Keel is back and he’s looking for a lady – not any will do: Heavenly eyes, but oh that size! He helps his brothers when they steal the women they love and keep them ’til the spring thaw’. Of course by then they love their kidnappers (pretty advanced psychology) and are pleased to all pretend they’ve had a baby out of wedlock so they can be married.

Life lessons are happening all over the place.

4. The Unsinkable Molly Brown

Of all the musicals I’ll list, and they were all watched over and over, this one does make me cringe when I see it today. The heavy handed acting — well, shouting really. But some of those songs are mighty catchy — fave: He’s My Friend…

Even as a kid the money in the stove hurt, physically hurt me — my stomach is tightening just thinking about that scene.

5. Gigi

Oh I thought Leslie Caron was so gorgeous — I didn’t see this til I was 10 or so and my goodness did she impress me. Maurice Chevalier – what a voice.

6. My Fair Lady

Oh! Everyone was so shocked when she said ‘bloomin’ arse. I’m not talking about the upper crust Brits – I’m talking about my family!!!

7. Singin’ In the Rain

So funny. I could watch this any, any time. One of my favourite childhood memories is of accompanying my beloved Grandfather to the bank on a rainy, Vancouver afternoon, and singing the title song together. Tomorrow it will be 22 years since he passed away and I still miss him everyday. What a gentleman.

8. Meet Me in St. Louis/Easter Parade

I really don’t recall either of these in their entirety but they, plus the preceding 7, evoke the warmth and security of my grandparents living room, in pj’s surrounded by family, watching and singing and laughing together. Just sharing.

9. The Sound of Music

Oh boy. I distinctly recall being able to stay up 2 hrs!! passed my bedtime to watch this on tv on a Sunday night – and I had school the next day! I have seen this too many times to count. Including live, with an old, old german couple seated behind us who were singing along but, said aloud in a tone of complete shock at Rolf’s moment of confrontation: Und he’z a Nazi!!!

If I only could watch one musical over and over – I think this would have to be it.

10. The King and I

Oh how I wanted to travel the world and fall in love with the gruff but kind gentleman/barbarian. These shows really weren’t the best example setters! But they sure were a great way to pass an evening.

11 & 12 – yes  2 extra. As a teen I became obsessed with the Phantom. In my college years I saw and loved Les Miserables.

Oh no – 13 (the irony of this ill intentioned number pairing with:) Jesus Christ Superstar!

‘who in the hell do you think you are’ – that’s what i thought the lyrics were! This has to be one of the sing-alongable-est musicals going. I didn’t see it til I was in my 30’s. My mother still disapproves.

Oh. 14. I was blown away by Donny Osmonds’ Joseph – great great talent.

k – i’ll really stop now…

10 on Tuesday

10 Things I love about Weddings?!?

Not the kind of list a late 30’s something singleton really wants to compile on a work morning…but, here we go.

1-9 Dancing

10. Getting dressed up.

HA! Really, those are the 2 reasons I go == unless I happen to love/be related to one of the wedding party. Otherwise…see #’s 1-9. Oh wait. Great food could fit in there somewhere too — drinks are usually neglible at weddings.

Hopefully next week will be a happier subject (for me!) ;-P

My cynicism’s showing, how embarassing.

10 on Tue-Wednesday!

10 Things I do Everyday

1. Procrastinate/Forget things! — perhaps the day late blog post makes this info a given. 😉

2. Have a latte on my way to work (that should likely read: For Breakfast – not the best habit, and one I should break!)

3. Let my chickens out to roam and peck in the backyard, forest area. Either first thing in the morning, or when I get home from work. They are totally conditioned to this routine and if I try to skip it they protest LOUD and long.
First Foray
4. Have cuddle time with my doggy. She’s a snuggler. Well…so am I. 😉

5. Read. Even if I only squeeze one page into my day – most likely in bed when I should be asleep – I will eke out time to read. A book, a magazine, the paper. Something. Anything.

6. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. If I don’t laugh 10x a day it’s a bad day. I think it’s the key to my youthful good looks. Ha!

7. Actively avoid housework. Mostly by reading. And laughing.

8. It’s a rare thing if I don’t take some time to blog surf. I have a routine number of sites I visit each day. Sometimes I explore other people’s blog lists if mine haven’t posted that day.

9. Drink water. Lots of it. It’s second only to coffee among my daily priorities.

10. Apologize. Whether I need to or not. I tend to assume people will be/are upset with me so I pepper my speech with sorries. Like a regular routine, it’s something I need to work on. Which brings me back to #1…(I wish there was a way to add a musical note symbol here – ala Doe a Deer a female deer…get it?)

10 on Tuesday

News Headlines from the Year I was Born

1.  US Troops withdrawn from Vietnam and U.S. involvement in Vietnam War ends with the signing of peace accords. Well, that’s nice news!

2.  Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), announce they will restrict flow of crude oil to countries supporting Israel on October 17th causing price of oil to increase by 200%. Crazy hey? And the costs continue to soar!

3.   Sydney Opera House is opened.

4.   Armed members of the American Indian Movement and their supporters seize the old town of Wounded Knee in South Dakota. Wow – who knew such conflicts were so current? Clearly not me!

5.   In a Tennis Match billed as the battle of the sexes Mrs Billy Jean King defeats Bobby Riggs. Whoo hoo! Go ladies!

6.   The wide ranging Endangered Species Act of 1973 is signed into law to “protect species and the ecosystems upon which they depend.” Goodness. We don’t seem to have made a lot of progress with this, have we?

7.    Skylab, the United States’ first space station, is launched. This seems really cool!

8.   Watergate Hearings begin in the United States Senate and President Richard Nixon tells the nation , “I am not a crook.” How often has this quote been repeated? Enough that a child born the year it was said, knows it well.

9.   Roe v. Wade makes abortion a US constitutional right. And still the controversy rages on, in and out of courts.

10.   World Trade Center in New York becomes the tallest building in the world. How sad. 😦

10 on Tuesday

10 Things I buy every week (not groceries)

1. Medium Non-Fat Creme Caramel w/Whip

This is the most amazing drink! I get it at a local Bean Around the World — I’ve been to other shops and they have nothing as good as it. (though it really depends on your barista!)

I try to buy something fun each week for myself- this is a range of things:

2.  . New Knitting/Craft /Garden magazine

3. a book

4. cool handmade item from the Farmer’s Market or Etsy

5. fabric

6. yarn

7. new pet toy/accessory

8. cookbook/magazine

9. makeup

10. hair styling product

While making this list I realized 2 things: 1- I buy a lot of coffee! 2- I usually treat myself to grocery type items — I think it’s past time I chanage that!

Ooh — I also like buying things for the garden, and plants.

10 on Tuesday

10 Favourite Non-Knitting Blogs

1. SouleMama: I love this warm, family centred blog. It makes me so happy to read/see a family so connected.  (disclaimer: there has been some knitting on this blog…)

2. Posie Gets Cosy: Another happy craft/home centred blog – with a clever little dog too.

3. Further Dispatches: Hilarious and lighthearted posts about dogs, travel, gardening, as-seen-on-tv products etc.

4. Handmade Chronicles: I adore the writer of this blog. She’s uber talented! and…just could be a relative…

5. Trailer Tracker: Wondering what to see next? This guy’s got you covered! He could be another relative…

6.  A Way to Garden: Just started following this blog. I love her gorgeous photos. Her garden knowledge is intimidating! And inspiring.

7.  Oh, Fransson!: Delightful quilting blog. She has fun projects and easy to follow tutorials. Plus…a new book…I have no idea what her blog’s title is referring to…nor am I inclined to find out. I like hearing it in a bad rendition of a Quebecois accent. 😉

8. Losing It: Jillian Michaels’ blogs tips for diet, excercise, nutrition etc. Super informative. (I didn’t include the link because her blog is a commercial site) 

9. Hula Seventy: Awesome photo-centric blog

10. Some Girls Wander: I love, love this woman’s style. Wishing I had the nerve/figure to carry it off myself. Hmmm….something to work on.

Just in time for Oscar season!

10 Favourite Best Picture Winners


1. Amadeus — how I love this movie!!



2. Out of Africa – makes me cry like a baby. The music alone can do that!

3. Gone With the Wind – totally remember renting a video player in the silver case and spending an entire evening as a family watching this — 2 videos! An intermission people!

4. The Sound of Music — here comes the parade of musicals. Our family was into these in a big way…Eidelweiss broke my heart. 😦

5. My Fair Lady — aayyyohhh guv-nah. I do believe this was the very first film I saw with…gasp:Swearing!

6. Gigi — 2nd only to Show Boat, this was my favourite musical as a child. I haven’t watched it as an adult – I have a feeling it won’t hold up well. I thought Leslie Caron was the most beautiful girl/woman I had ever seen. I loved her bangs.

7. The Godfather Part 2 — love the music, love the young De Niro and Pacino meerroww!

8. Rebecca — so moody and mysterious.

9. The Last Emperor — don’t remember a lot of this movie (well, except for that wetnurse for the full grown child!) but distinctly recall being stunned by the beauty of the filming.

10. LotR — though I think that the 1st movie should have won.

and just one more….

11. Schindler’s List — I’m still not recovered.

And while we’re on the topic…Someone tell me how Life is Beautiful is not a Best Picture??

Wintry Weekend

After a brisk walk in the cold wind, Kira and I let the chickens out to explore. It’s their favourite thing – in all weather.


Lone bird

The best part of spending time in the outdoors?

Snuggling back inside.


New Project

-5 with the windchill

 Hope you’ve enjoyed a cozy winters’ weekend.

is the end.


Continue Reading »

Well the marathon that was Episode 17 and 18 of LOST is mid-post for me — and I’m trying to think of some way to take it apart that won’t equal a 12 page post — here is one relieving bit of news:

Crash footage at end of LOST Explained!!

As well as something to look forward to at the end of August!

Honestly – I was a mess while viewing, and even afterwards. Writing the post is even causing tears to spill. 🙂

There’s also this bit of silliness.

And this for the Ladies….